Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lera Photography has moved!

Well Blogger, it's been fun, but I needed something just a bit fancier than you. So, I moved to WordPress!

Now everything is all in one place :)

You can still use to find me, and my email { } is still the same, but you can also find me at, short sweet & to the point.

Now I can finally get caught up on blogging & all that fun stuff! I am sooo behind right now.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sneak Peek! Ari {Angier Childrens Photographer}

Isn't she just so adorable? Seriously, I'm in love with these pictures! I can't wait to show the rest ;)

Lera Photography

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Serenity {Garner Newborn Photographer}

I know I've been just a little bit dead recently, but the wait will hopefully be well worth it!

Meet Serenity {and her parents of course!}. She's a fighter, even as a baby! She was born about a month premature, but she was healthy & strong, so she got to go home really soon after being born. These were taken when she was just about a month old, which is a little bit old for your typical newborn session {less than two weeks}but I think we got some keepers ;)

Lera Photography

Saturday, April 2, 2011

the bad blogger & her random thoughts.

I've been a bad blogger, this week's been pretty crazy with school ending & me needing to finish editing a bunch of sessions. Forgive me? You do? Aw, thanks :)

Today's post may be a tiny bit random, but my work computer's occupied, so I'm on my laptop, which is broken, so no editing happens on this computer, which means there aren't really any pictures on here.

Just some things that are popping into my brain:

1) I'm obsessed with Pinterest. I love it. Find me here. Need an invite? Comment & I'll hook you up :)

2) I'm finally starting to realize how much I need an office. Or a nook. I really need a spot that's just for business stuff, so I can be better organized & is a bit more professional when I'm working with clients. I have a pinboard for that.

3) I need a new laptop. Anyone have brands they recommend? I'm leaning towards a gaming laptop so it can run my programs {Photoshop & Lightroom} without problems.

4) I finally got my business facebook page to be Just so you know, yes, that is exciting :)

5) I'm working on an email newsletter! You'll be able to get a dose of Lera in your inbox on a regular basis, exciting!

6) I'm probably going to be changing my site. Like, completely. I think I'm going to jump ship & head to wordpress, and then all of my stuff {blog, portfolio, pricing, about me, etc.} will all be in one place. I'm not sure exactly how soon that will be, but it'll be soon.

Ok. I'll stop now. I have about 50 million things flying around in my head, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff going on with Lera Photography right now, I'm just trying to organize, prioritize, and execute everything.

Lera Photography

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Family Sneak Peek! {Raleigh Family Photography}

Yayy! Another sneak peek!

This is Brooke, Josh, and Caldwell. And soon-to-be baby :)

This was a bunch of new experiences all rolled into one for me, I'm so thankful for them being patient with me & giving me the time I needed to work!

Lera Photography

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jessica {Angier Portrait Photographer}

I had so much fun with Jessica, I love when my clients are willing to do crazy things for me! That trust makes for a really great session! We explored downtown Angier & found some really great spots! The wall, the white one with the blue door & windows, I'm seriously in so much love with it. It's beautiful. And there was this great building that we saw that would make an amazing studio! Unfortunately, Angier's a big far away from most of my clients. :( It was a beautiful building though, it was white, had huge {hugeee!} windows, wide open on the inside, was on a corner, had two floors... If I ever have a studio, I want one like that :)

Anyways, on to the photos! Enjoy!

Geeze, she's stunning!

I looove this <3

Lera Photography

Jessica + Sneak Peek! {Angier Portrait Photogapher}

Here's another sneak peek from a session! This is Jessica, not me Jessica, another Jessica. I know a lot of Jessica's. :) I had so much fun with her! Whenever I'm with her, I can NOT stop cracking up, she is just hilarious! Can't wait to show you guys the rest <3

Oh. And I absolutely am in LOVE with this wall! Can I have it, please?

Lera Photography

Friday Factuals {3}

I haven't gone to sleep yet, so it's technically still Friday, right? Ok, good :)

1. What’s the one thing you always do when you’re stressed? Listen to Praise & Worship music, it helps me get my head back on straight.
2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a friend? Hm. If I'm doing something for a friend, I probably don't really pay attention to it being weird or not.
3. What cleaning supply could you not live without? Cleaning wet wipes. Or hand sanitizer, but that's not really a supply.
4. How long do you plan on living where you currently reside? Until I get married, most likely.
5. Do you usually vote straight party, a mixture, or not at all? I haven't voted yet... oops. I'll probably vote straight, but it really depends on the individuals running.
6. What’s something that you love to do, but seem to never make time for? Reading a good book, I haven't just read for the fun of it in a while, any recommendations for fiction, preferably romance with big pretty words? :) I still need to finish Wuthering Heights... it's kinda really depressing....
7. What’s your favorite store to buy things for other people? Depends on the person, for girls I tend to get stuff from Charlotte Russe, F21, places like that. For guys, gamestop or etsy.
8. What’s the weather like around you today? Right now it's dark... and dark isn't weather...  but it was in the 50's and partly cloudy today.
9. What’s the worst book you’ve ever bought and read? Lord of the Flies. Ew.
10. What’s the closest thing to you that is yellow? a hair tie, a little one I use when I braid my hair to sleep, it's too long to sleep with it loose anymore really.

Lera Photography

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Courtney {Clayton Portrait Photographer}

This shoot was a little out of my {and Courtney's} comfort zones.

Why, you may ask?

For starters, I had never shot in a public location like this, it's always been in parks and things of that nature. I honestly didn't know if I would like it, or if Courtney would be comfortable.

And Courtney, she's typically a jeans & tee kind of girl, and I had her all glammed up, in a dress & heels, and was dragging her around downtown Clayton.

But guess what? We loved it! It was so much fun, there were so many spots to discover, we laughed like crazy, confused people a little, and had a really great time. Awesome! I seriously have a new love of shooting in little downtown areas, they're so interesting! And I have a new love of ally ways too, but more on that in a later blog post :)

Getting down to business, here are some of the shots from Courtney's part in my personal project series. I love them, she loves them, her boyfriend loves them even more. Enjoy <3

Lera Photography

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About me

Raleigh, NC, United States
Hi! I'm Jessica, the photographer behind Lera Photography. This is my blog, where you get the real me, the behind-the-scenes, the randomness. I hope you'll stick around & like what you see :) Feel free to contact me at with any questions/comments/etc.