Saturday, April 2, 2011

the bad blogger & her random thoughts.

I've been a bad blogger, this week's been pretty crazy with school ending & me needing to finish editing a bunch of sessions. Forgive me? You do? Aw, thanks :)

Today's post may be a tiny bit random, but my work computer's occupied, so I'm on my laptop, which is broken, so no editing happens on this computer, which means there aren't really any pictures on here.

Just some things that are popping into my brain:

1) I'm obsessed with Pinterest. I love it. Find me here. Need an invite? Comment & I'll hook you up :)

2) I'm finally starting to realize how much I need an office. Or a nook. I really need a spot that's just for business stuff, so I can be better organized & is a bit more professional when I'm working with clients. I have a pinboard for that.

3) I need a new laptop. Anyone have brands they recommend? I'm leaning towards a gaming laptop so it can run my programs {Photoshop & Lightroom} without problems.

4) I finally got my business facebook page to be Just so you know, yes, that is exciting :)

5) I'm working on an email newsletter! You'll be able to get a dose of Lera in your inbox on a regular basis, exciting!

6) I'm probably going to be changing my site. Like, completely. I think I'm going to jump ship & head to wordpress, and then all of my stuff {blog, portfolio, pricing, about me, etc.} will all be in one place. I'm not sure exactly how soon that will be, but it'll be soon.

Ok. I'll stop now. I have about 50 million things flying around in my head, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff going on with Lera Photography right now, I'm just trying to organize, prioritize, and execute everything.

Lera Photography

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the new changes! I'd suggest a MacBook Pro...don't own one but WANT one! I need a new laptop desperately also.

    ALSO can't wait for you to head over to Wordpress. Way easier to comment ;)


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About me

Raleigh, NC, United States
Hi! I'm Jessica, the photographer behind Lera Photography. This is my blog, where you get the real me, the behind-the-scenes, the randomness. I hope you'll stick around & like what you see :) Feel free to contact me at with any questions/comments/etc.