Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why I do what I do {and LOVE it}

Many of the people in the photography program at my school don't like photographing people. In fact, they disdain it, they would rather take pictures of something that has no emotions, that can't talk back to them. I by no means think bad about them for thinking this way, there is a need for great photographers who are in fields other than portraiture, but I could never consider NOT being a portrait photographer.

I've been thinking a lot lately about why. 

Why am I a photography major/photographer? It's a very expensive career, and it isn't considered a necessity to many people.
Why as a christian, I participate in something many people consider vain.
Why do I think people should cover the walls and shelves {fridges, nightstands, dressers, etc. :) } with photography, both of their family as well as other fine art photography {because I love a good still life <3}

And it hit me. In the shower, of course, the shower & right before you fall asleep are always the best times for have revelations. 

It says in the bible {Genesis 1:27} that God created human beings in His image. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that God is the most amazing artist. Ever. Of all time. Literally. Have you ever seen a flower, or a sunrise, or a newborn baby? God is an amazing artist, and the last thing he created was humans. If you've ever studied art history, the last works of an artist in his or her career are usually considered their best work.

So we {humans} are God's greatest creation. We. Humans. Not just the tangible body, but our souls, our very spirits. Our emotions, joy, laughter, love, peacefulness. If I can capture those things and show even a tiny fraction of what God sees when he looks at us, the love that he sees, I'm happy. If I can show the amazing artistry of God to other people, I'm happy.

We only get one 'today'. Milestones are milestones because they don't happen everyday. A baby is only new and tiny for a very short period in time. A senior only graduates from high school once. A couple is only engaged once. Milestones and life itself are cause for celebration! I want to get those moments, those emotions, I want to catch them and turn them to something tangible so that you can see them and remember forever. I want to show people {especially women, I'll be honest, I have a passion for showing women that they ARE beautiful} how amazing they are. I love when my clients say 'wow, I didn't even know I could look like that.' I love when I can take the time & focus on my client, get to know them, and catch what it is that makes them who they are.

When one client's mom saw the pictures, and said 'Oh, that is SO my daughter' I knew I had accomplished something beyond simply having technical knowledge and skill. That is what I strive for.

A friend said that if you couldn't find something you like about a person, look harder. Every person is made by God, in his image, so there has to be something amazing about every single person.

I want to show the delightful - the joy of a child, the potential of a senior, the bliss of a couple in love
I want to show the ravishing - the bride the day of her wedding, the pregnant woman who is full of new life
I want to show the entrancing - the tiny new baby, the exchange of vows, the love of siblings

That is Lera, delightful, ravishing, entrancing.

Lera Photography


  1. Jessica, this post is EXACTLY how I feel about photography as well! You've got a great heart and a great eye behind that lens! You're definitely going to go far! Thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog! I completely understand the feeling of loneliness in your photographer...our loved ones may try to understand but it's so much different to someone who is actually in the same shoes. I'll be that friend, if you'll have me :)

  2. Friends! That makes me ridiculously happy :D Like I don't even think you understand, it's been a long year of waiting for the right people to come along who actually get it. <3

  3. this post is amazing! and so true to how I feel about photography too <3
    what an inspirational post. Thanks for sharing!


  4. You're welcome! And it's awesome that you feel the same way <3


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Raleigh, NC, United States
Hi! I'm Jessica, the photographer behind Lera Photography. This is my blog, where you get the real me, the behind-the-scenes, the randomness. I hope you'll stick around & like what you see :) Feel free to contact me at with any questions/comments/etc.